The AI Age: Apps Uses Beyond ChatGPT

Mukesh Kumhar  ·  Mar 25, 2023  ·  9 min read
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Over the past few years, the world of artificial intelligence has seen an extraordinary transformation. What was once considered a mysterious technology has now become a prominent tool in the business realm, and there seems to be no limit to its potential. ChatGPT is an exemplary model of this trend, utilizing the OpenAI framework to exhibit remarkable language proficiency that can surpass even the most discerning editor.

Nevertheless, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As many AI tools are still in their experimental stages, the prospects for businesses seeking to optimize their processes and productivity are thrilling. Observing how early adopters utilize AI in creative ways provides valuable insights into the technology's future trajectory as more user research, development, and UX are applied to it.

We've compiled a list of our top eight newly released AI tools and divided them into four categories based on their primary functions: automation, choice optimization, content generation, and search engines (or data analysis).

1. Automation

One of the immediate benefits of AI is automating tedious tasks that consume disproportionate amounts of time. Why bother with boring jobs anymore? With AI ready and willing to do the heavy lifting, you can turn your focus to more important things, like binging that show you’ve been dying to watch. 

By automating routine tasks in business or personal life, employees can finally break free from the chains of manual labor and instead focus on higher-value activities that help drive growth, innovate, and create new opportunities. Automation can help minimize errors and improve accuracy, which is a must-have for financial reporting or compliance.


For Personal Use

What is it: By tapping your headphones while listening to a podcast, you can save a clip of the segment and generate an AI-powered transcript, summary, and title. You can then export these saved highlights to other applications such as Notion or Readwise for future reference or to initiate discussions around the selected audio segment.

Uses: While taking a stroll and listening to a podcast, you come across an insightful idea. By simply tapping a button, you can save that particular thought. Moreover, you can also access the highlights made by other users in the same episode, providing you with a quick route to the most valuable pieces of information.


For business use

What is it: FullStory acts as a backstage pass to your website, enabling you to track each mouse click and page visit made by a visitor. This data is then used to construct a detailed "story" of their journey, which can offer valuable insights into user behavior.

Uses: By utilizing FullStory's AI automation, companies can gain a better understanding of their visitors' preferences and make adjustments that boost conversions. The manual tracking process is eliminated, resulting in cost savings, enhanced customer retention, and improved user experience.

2. Choice Optimization

With the availability of more choices and data, decision-making can be overwhelming. However, AI technology can simplify the process by filtering through vast amounts of data and reducing complexity.

This is especially beneficial in industries such as insurance, where insurers can use AI tools to analyze risk, process claims, and make more precise predictions. In addition, decision-making tools powered by AI can optimize various aspects of business operations, ranging from supply chain management to marketing strategies, in other industries as well.

WatchNow AI

For personal use

What is it: If you or a member of your household is a die-hard Harry Potter fan, but others are tired of the franchise, branching out to new movie options may be the solution. WatchNow, developed by Joe Webber, recommends related movies based on your favorite titles. The best results can be achieved by adding multiple movie options to your list.

Uses: Although it may be for entertainment purposes only, an AI tool can assist in discovering movies that are similar to ones you may not have come across otherwise. Instead of browsing through lengthy lists of recommended movies, you can simply input similar movie titles into the choice generator, making the process of finding new and exciting films much easier.


For business use

What is it: SAS® is an innovative technology platform that can serve as the ideal partner for data analysis. With its comprehensive integration, open-source tools, and cloud-based capabilities, it provides an unparalleled experience for exploring, analyzing, and visualizing data. Moreover, SAS® is not only for specialized professionals such as data scientists, statisticians, or forecasters; it is accessible to anyone who wishes to uncover hidden insights from their data.

Uses: If you desire to gain a deeper understanding of your business operations, predict future trends, and drive progress, then SAS®’s robust analytics tools can assist you in achieving these goals. By leveraging the power of your data, you can derive valuable insights that will help you make informed decisions and propel your business to new heights.

3. Content Creation

AI technology can aid businesses in enhancing their content creation processes. Whether you require help with generating ideas, optimizing content for search engines, or creating entire pieces from scratch, AI-powered tools can provide valuable assistance.

You need not be a creative expert to use these tools effectively. AI acts as a virtual content assistant, offering inspiration and guidance. By automating specific content creation tasks, your business can save valuable time and resources that can be utilized elsewhere in the organization.


For personal or business use

What is it: Due to the increase in AI-generated content, educators are worried about plagiarism issues. Although GPTZero does not fall under the category of content creation, it can identify AI-generated content. Submitting the text to GPTZero can determine if it is entirely original or copied from the internet. This can help to identify any cases of plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

Uses: This AI tool can be a valuable asset for educators in detecting instances of plagiarism in papers. By using GPTZero, teachers can stay ahead of the game and ensure that the content submitted by their students is authentic and original. This can act as a deterrent to students who may be tempted to use AI-generated content to cheat.


For business use

What is it: Descript is an innovative platform that provides a unique approach to video and podcast creation. With the power of AI, the tool can transcribe audio and video recordings in real-time, creating editable text that can be modified just like any other written document.

Uses: Descript's AI technology allows you to edit your audio and video recordings with ease. You can remove unwanted background noise, filter out filler words such as "um" and "uh," and even add synthesized versions of your voice. Additionally, the Overdub feature makes it easy to fix any errors or mistakes in your recordings with just a few clicks.

4. Search Engines (Data Sifting)

AI-powered search engines are disrupting the search market dominated by Google, as they can analyze massive data sets to offer users a more comprehensive and insightful understanding of their information.

AI-powered search engines are a game-changer for businesses looking to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing massive amounts of data with unprecedented speed and accuracy, AI tools can provide more nuanced insights into customer behavior, market trends, and competitive intelligence. Plus, with automation, businesses can save time and resources on data analysis, allowing them to focus on other critical areas of their operations. If you want to stay ahead of the game, AI-powered search engines are a powerful tool worth considering.

Perplexity AI

For personal or business use

What is it: Perplexity is a conversational search engine that can be accessed as a Chrome extension, which offers summarized results from multiple sources. It provides users with sources to verify the accuracy of the information. However, as the platform is still in its training stage, it is recommended to double-check the results for accuracy.

Uses: To find answers to your queries, you can either search for specific keywords or ask a question. Follow up your initial search with a refining question in the same thread. The search engine will provide an answer and sources, including information from multiple websites.

Bonus Use: Bird SQL, a feature offered by Perplexity, is a Twitter search engine designed to comb through publicly accessible data such as user profiles, follow lists, likes, and tweets.


For personal or business use

What is it: Neeva is a search engine that uses AI and does not track or display ads. It crawls billions of web pages daily and provides fast and relevant results without interference from advertisers.

Uses: Neeva, a search engine powered by AI, offers a distinctive search experience with summarized answers and integrated citations that resemble an encyclopedia. By scanning billions of pages every day, Neeva's search stack delivers fast, relevant, and current results without advertisers manipulating the outcomes. When the AI fails to provide an answer, it reverts to a standard search display. Ultimately, it functions as a research assistant that caters to individual needs.

Can AI solve all our problems?

Entrepreneurs and business owners may be pondering their next steps as they consider whether to take advantage of this technology.

Currently, the AI industry is similar to the wild west, with numerous AI-based tools and services available, some of which are free. While certain applications have authentic use cases and deliver remarkable results, others seem like substandard imitations. The AI landscape is reminiscent of the dot-com boom, with numerous business ideas to explore and vast potential. As a result, entrepreneurs and business owners may be overwhelmed and uncertain about how to capitalize on this technology.

Although AI-powered tools have the potential to transform several areas of business, it is crucial to understand that they cannot solve all problems in one go. For instance, although AI language learning tools like ChatGPT offer advanced language capabilities, they cannot replace the significance of a well-designed user experience or the benefits of custom app development.

While AI-based tools can transform various areas of business, they are not a one-stop shop for all solutions. For example, even though AI language learning tools like ChatGPT have impressive language capabilities, they cannot replace the significance of a well-designed user experience or the value of personalized app development. As highlighted by ChatGPT's CEO, this technology has the potential to disrupt capitalism, but it cannot build a SaaS product on its own. Prioritizing UX, user research, custom design, discovery, and development is essential to harnessing the power of AI. Entrepreneurs looking to explore how AI can enhance laborious business processes are at the cusp of a new era. They should partner with a team that shares their enthusiasm for exploring AI-powered applications.